Where paper reaches its
limits, that's where
the PigeonCloud begins.
Available soon...
Subscribe to our e-mail list and be the first to know as soon as the app is available. You will have the opportunity to actively participate in the development of functions.

We are currently working on the first beta version of the PigeonCloud app. It
is not yet possible to download the app. As soon as the first
test version is available, you will be notified by email.
is not yet possible to download the app. As soon as the first
test version is available, you will be notified by email.
The team behind the cloud

Who are we?
Hello, we are Maurice & Vlady. Over the past 3 years, we have worked closely with many breeders to develop an app for breed rabbits. We were asked more and more frequently whether we could also develop an app for pigeons. Now the time has finally come. We have started development and are looking forward to soon being able to offer an app for breeding pigeons too. If you would like to find out what the app can do for rabbit breeders, just click on the button:
The outdated documentation

Old programs
no updates
mobile not available
Data can be lost
no help or contact person
Can be used on the PC

Pen & paper
can be lost
Photos cannot be captured
no filters or search possible
can become confusing
define your own structure

Notes app
cumbersome operation
no breeding documents
no statistics
no photos or graphs
is always available on the move
What are you waiting for?
Contribute your own ideas to the PigeonCloud or simply stay up to date.